Digital workspace, usage and efficiency

The social trend of working from home or in remote office with usage of various tools becomes more and more common. No wonder, our notion of work and the way we do it has changed as well.

Every day more and more workers turn to digital tool so they can do their work effectively in their own digital space. 

Digital working space represents everything what the worker needs so he can efficiently work even when outside of his official office. It is the compilation of tools which should be supplied by the company to their workers.

These tools of course vary according to one’s profession, but we can find some common points. Digital space includes everything from internet to specialized platforms, email, means of communication, software and operational systems as far some cloud solution. 

We can say that we all have two hugely different digital workspaces. The first is our own and we can create and change it according to our preferences. We can use any browser or email which we like. With the working digital workspace, the situation is however much different. Platforms, which users use must be unified, trustworthy, controlled and secured by the company itself and at the same time companies should not be scared to use such technologies. Let’s discuss some benefits of digital workspace.


Digital workspace allows workers to use their time more efficiently and maximize the flexibility of their private and work time. They can work from their favourite place and on their preferred devices. With works that do not have a stable schedule they can work when they want and will have more control over their work and private life.


The sad fact s that in the past when this trend was slowly starting, some of the employees felt alone and isolated from the rest of the team, which had negative effect on their overall mental health and consequently productivity at work. One of the reasons for this situation was the overall inexperience of team leaders which were supposed to coordinate the whole team, new tools and generally communication between them. When they learnt how to manage such a challenging working environment there has already been some losses in working effectivity.

With digital workspace the communication between employees has never been easier thanks to the possibility of face to face communication through video calls and conferences. This allows them to share files, graphs, pictures and data. They can work together no matter where they are. Nowadays, it is quite easy to stay in touch when everyone has smart device for communication. 


Productivity in unified and effectively working digital space is very productive due to tools, platforms and supportive environment designed to help them as much as possible. 

The perfect example of such workspace with huge emphasis productivity and security is Unified Workspace from Dell Technologies. Its main goal is to unify and simplify workspace by using software and hardware from Dell and WMware. Thanks to perfectly incorporated cloud solution anyone with permission can access the important data from any given location.